Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr.

I think that it's too bad that the only thing that comes to mind when people mention Martin Luther King Jr. is the "I have a dream" speech. In my opinion, Martin Luther King Jr. is not as looked up to as he should be. There are so many people nowadays who are more famous for doing less! It is not that I think he should be extremely popular, but I do believe that he should be acknowledged more, as well as his message. The article makes a good point when it states that he was in fact fighting for unpopular things. We as citizens today should pay more attention to how he lived his life, and model that. By doing so, we will see real change because he not only fought for racial equality, but anti-poverty and war issues as well. I truly admire King, and I wish that he had more recognition, and that we actually celebrated the day that is named after him! Many people do not even remember, or know, when Martin Luther King Jr. day is! I hope that Barack Obama becomes President because he seems as if he is a strong believer in equality and change, just like King was. Hopefully someday King will be known and remembered for much more than that one speech!

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