Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cloning: Playing God

I do not agree with the concept of cloning at all. As was mentioned in the video by people who are anti-cloning (most often people with strong religious beliefs), to clone is to play God. Some argue that therapeutic cloning, as discussed in the video, can come in handy when one needs an organ transplant. Or there is the continual argument that "skin cells are not living beings, therefore we are not ending lives." But just because we have the technology to do something does not mean we should. "Playing God" may help people to have healthy children, but when people start manipulating features of those healthy children it becomes dangerous. As was mentioned in both the video and the article, people choosing genes for their children (possibly clones of themselves) is dangerous because our society may end up with a lack of diversity. A genocide may even occur due to the stark contrast in groups of genetically engineered "individuals." Yes, cloning may help to a certain degree, but to clone is to meddle with a concept that was never meant to be meddled with. I'm not sure how I feel about stem cells being lives, but I do know that if we clone in any way, it may get out of hand. How would one feel if our society was full of blond-haired, blue-eyed people who all lacked something special that nature would have given them had they not manipulated it? If a parent manipulates genes or clones, they may produce the most handsome boy in the world, but what if he had been able to cure cancer had they not manipulated his genes? As the video discusses, all cloning does is turn people into products. If cloning is not stopped, who knows how far we will go and how much damage we will inflict upon ourselves. And at that point it may be too late; Nature will have "engineered" a plan of its own by then.

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